Here's the fresh catch of the weekend ya'll. I hope it inspires you to go out and make the world a better place. Above is a picture of Mick driving a rad car called a Morgan (they're made of wood)... in St. Tropez. Does it get any radder? I bet your favorite indie-folkster-cum-4th-grade teacher isn't doing that! By the way, I'm gonna be doing that, as soon as I get off my ass and start serving my fellow man, dig?
Completely unrelated to that (or is it?), I've recently come upon a couple of remixes that I'd like to share. It should come as no surprise to most of you that I'm a big fan of the remix. The ability to completely reimagine a song with a sampler or new instrumentation ranks among the greatest cultural contributions of the 80s and 90s. And I'm always on the lookout for rare ones. Note: I'm a fan of the official remix - done by people with actual talent in a studio - not the endless amateur mismashes on YouTube made by anyone with Ableton and a bag of cheetos. Anyway, the first track is the Sylk 130 remix of that Donna Lewis hit I was talking about awhile back. [two Donna Lewis posts in the first 3 months of the blog?! Drew's definitely pissed he gave me posting privileges!]. The second is the U.K. mix of the Warren G banger, "This DJ". I accidently happened to notice this version is subtly different than the main U.S. mix, with a different intro and beat. So you gotta be payin attention! Or you won't catch this stuff, because nowhere did it say 'remix' on it. Unfortunately, they only released the clean version (common for a lot of alternate mixes back in the day - what can you do?). Sorry my turntable sounds like it was made by Fisher-Price. ¡No trabajo, no Hi-Fi!
Donna Lewis - I Love You Always Forever (Sylk 130 remix)
Warren G - This D.J. (U.K. mix)