You know what they say about 'all good things'. After 2 1/2 years of occasional posting and very little increase in readership, my tenure at TNRR is coming to a close. This will be The Truth's last transmission. It's been fun, as working with the Drutang always is, but the blog has struggled to find an original voice in a too-crowded blogosphere. Even my moniker's not original, having already been taken by Beanie Sigel and (as I come to find from watching a lot of TV recently) NBA all-star Paul Pierce. Hopefully I'll move some of my 'writing' to a new super-secure internet location in the near future where it might have a little more impact.
Why am I leaving? Why can't I stick with it, plough away trying to produce memorable original content, maybe even a meme or two, maybe make some Google Ad Sense $$, and eventually win a Webby Award? Why can't I stick with anything long enough to pass through the high plain of Mediocrity and reach the pillars of Excellence? Where is the reason? Look, don't blame it on me. Blame it on my Wild Heart.
I must now depart, only to arrive soon enough somewhere else on the Internet, like a subatomic particle that is sort of everywhere and exactly nowhere all at once. Until we meet again...