The world is a fucked up place, right kids? You bet your ass it is. From the moment you are first spanked for doing something original, to the time you learn Santa is a more of a fictitious marketing tool used to push merchandise than a benevolent, magical old man, to the indignity you feel when your lips make first, cold contact with your boss's ass cheek, to paying taxes on Social Security that you are told nearly every day you AREN'T going to get, you learn that life is a steady succession of bummers. I was reminded of all this earlier this year when I lost my girlfriend to the frontdouche of a local band. I eventually got her back, because I am The Truth after all, but still... made me appreciate those little things, you know? That's why there's TNRR; because life is too short and too shitty to go through it listening to bad music. TNRR: Giving you the tools to play loud!
On a different topic, does anyone have a scanner they can sell me? I'm tired of stealing stock pics from the internet. I have a much better picture of Stevie than the one above (more on that later), but I can't make it digital. Also, Drudrones - give me more control over the blog!
Band Of Susans - Hope Against Hope
Delegation - Oh Honey
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