not F. Scott Fitzgerald
Real life keeps on beckoning me to join its unhappy ranks, and although I've tried valiantly to resist, I must now oblige it for a few weeks; which means, for you, dear reader(s), I will be away from the blogue. Yes, Me & Drew, we may write like children, but we are in fact old ass men with shit to do. But nary a despairing word slips from my fingers - it's summer time, after all - we old men still have got the life left in us, and The Myth will surely entertain you with wholly inaccurate reviews of recent albums (that new Bon Iver was kinda alright, dude) while I'm gone.
And now, in honor of their recent documentary 'streaming event' (you missed it), with a few uplifting stanzas for summer, a group that knows a thing or two about real life and the aging process - The Traveling Wilburys.
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