Happy New Year everyone. Wow, I can't really believe the last decade is finally over. The naughties sucked, right? Let's see, we saw the decline of the music industry and the rise of the American Idol empire, lots of shitty 'garage' and 'disco' records, Lil Wayne's discography eclipsing Frank Sinatra's in size, a 4th grader elected for 2 terms as President, speculative housing and dot-com bubbles, and religious nutcases flying planes into two of the coolest buildings in New York. All we had to look forward to each year were new models of iPod. Sounds pretty fucked, no? Well, I've got good news for you: the next decade will probably be better; in fact, there's already signs of improvement. Here are three, selected from my least favorite genre of music.
1. Chairlift

If you know me, you know that I'm almost never stoked on new 'rock' bands. And I'm even less stoked when they appear on a little label called Columbia. But as soon as I heard one of the songs below (about a year ago today) I knew something was different about this one. The force was strong. I forgot about them for awhile, and then in September, I saw them blow out the weak ass sound system at Local 506, in what was the Best Show Of The Year. There were about 20 people at the show, and I didn't recognize anyone (always a good sign). The best songs were the new ones that aren't on the record (again a good sign). Why is Chairlift, 3 kids from Brooklyn who are on a major label and have songs on iPod nano commercials, one of my picks for this year? First, the chick in the band, Caroline Polachek, is (at least) the next Grace Slick. She's a once-a-generation type combination of sex appeal, style and songwriting ability. [and btw, don't you pussies try to send her a mixtape neither; I call fucking DIBS] Second, they're kids - only 23 - which, in my prejudiced, age-discriminating view of rock history means they've got at least 2 or 3 more great albums left in them. Mark my words, these guys have masterwork potential. So how
is their current album? My response to that is, 'ehh'. It's a little slick IMO (make sure you find the original indie-label mixes, and not the Columbia remastered edition), and the songwriting is a tad immature, which is forgivable since they were 21 when they wrote most of the songs. This post is about potential, okay? Not about shit you should already know about. By the way, those in the know got their hands on the first, tour-only EP informally called 'Daylight Savings' which has a bunch of different, still-rad songs on it. If you've got it,
Rating (how many times better they are than the Annuals ): 5000.
Interview2. Beach Fossils
This one is primarily for Drew, preempting the discussion we'll have in about May/June, that'll go something like this:
Drew: Have you heard the Beach Fossils?
Me: Nope.
- They're all over Pitchfork right now, and because everyone's talking about them, I felt like I had to jump on the bandwagon.
- Uh huh.
- You'll probably like them alot, they've got a sound that I can't quite identify; I think it's one of those cds of British bands from the 80s you told me to buy that I never listened to.
- Probably.
And because I grow tired of having such discussions with D, I'll just go ahead and get everyone hip right now. The Beach Fossils haven't released a record yet, but when they do they'll have their moment under P-fork's cataract eye, and everyone will be like "ooh, neat", they'll play some super-jampacked show at a local club, and then they may or may not be forgotten. Who cares, really. It's just a band from Brooklyn that doesn't sound like every other band from Brooklyn.
Rating: 7000.
3. Magic Wands
I'm reluctantly including this band because "2" just seems like a meager amount of things to be stoked about, and because these guys (actually a boyfriend/girlfriend combo *yawn*) released an EP last year that made it onto NO ONE'S best of list (always a good sign for music like this). They may firm up or may flop this year, but either way you haven't heard the last of the Magic Wands. [Attention passengers of the Poser Express:The XX remixed one of their songs - get happy!]
Rating: 2000.
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