Monday, March 14, 2011

Knock Knock: Who Is It? Fame!

The inimitable Simon Reynolds (he coined the term post-rock) has had a long meme on guitar solos going over at his blog, and was cool enough to post some of my suggestions. I'm not identified as 'The Truth' (that's not how they roll over there), but as 'ajb' (one of my email accounts), and I appear towards the end of the March 13th post. For those of you who like books, read some of his, they will make you a better person. How do you think I became The Truth in the first place?

Some more thoughts on Chairlift...

(Caroline at least) has been appearing on a lot of other artists' songs over the past year or so. Most of them are boring indie tunes made in Brooklyn, but I forgot about this one I enjoyed with white-person-approved rapper Das Racist, called 'Fashion Party'. It highlights one of the elements of the band I like - the fact that they embrace luxury, the high-roller scene, and aren't afraid to 'be okay with money' (i.e. that time they modeled Marc Jacobs), unlike the majority of hipsters who conceal their offshore trust fund accounts, and pretend like the gig at the coffee shop is their life's work. Reminds me of say, Roxy Music in that way...

Caroline is apparently on this This Mortal Coil-sounding track, although I think all she does is add some 'woos' and noises.

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